Building Coco Space - #16 - Holy Fucking Shit 2

They are here. It's happening.

Building Coco Space - #16 - Holy Fucking Shit 2

They are here. It's happening.

I have no idea where even to start. The last two months have been probably the most busy and rewarding I have ever had. I had to reread my last post to remember where I stopped, and it looks like it was ages ago.

So what happened?

We opened, and they came. It's been exactly a month since we started operating, and most of the time, all our 30 seats are fully booked.

It feels unreal to walk around the space and see people using it how I intended. I see guests getting to know each other, having lunch together, speaking about travel, work, and life. I see nomads from all over the world working on their projects with coconuts next to them and a tropical view in the background.

This is really how I imagined it.

Did it all go smoothly? Fuck no.

There are, obviously, a lot of issues. The generator broke a few times, and the pool decided to be green for a few weeks. Staff management is challenging, and opening the Cafe and adjusting the menu is fun but there are many mistakes on the way.

It is rewarding, but it does take a lot. I spend almost every day here from 5 AM until we close at 7 PM, trying to juggle my online business and deal with everything here. I manage to smile and focus on the good parts most of the time, though.

Our poolside couch. Influencers love it.

What now?

The initial success was mostly thanks to two years of preparation: the community, social media, etc. From now on, the space needs to succeed because of what it is.

We are still very far from where I want to be. Our two main offers, productivity and community, have much to improve. We know where we want to be and will find the way to get there now.

1.5 years ago, this place was a hill in the middle of nowhere.

I know that's a short post, but I am tired and don't think the details matter much in that case. I am thinking of how I will keep sharing my insights from running the business because I believe some might find them useful.

That might take a while, as I'm taking a break in a few weeks and have some personal stuff to deal with.

Thank you for being part of this journey, and to those of you who replied and encouraged me, it means a lot.

Until next time ✌️